Logo: The Diocese of New Westminster Logo: Anglican Church of Canada

Brothers & Sisters Living Together in Unity

In Mount Pleasant since 1889

Lots of people eating in the church hall
2016 – After all the Work – 7th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner for our Neighbourhood – in St Michael's Hall
Chopping vegetables for the dinner
2016 – 7th Annual Neighbourhood Thanksgiving Meal – Preparation
Thanksgiving poster with event details
2019 was the 10th Anniversary of the St. Michael's Multicultural–Dream Team Thanksgiving Turkey Supper
People gathered to eat in the church hall
2010 Inaugural Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner
Boxes of food donations from the food bank
The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society (GVFBS) has provided the food for our Thursday Evening Food Bank for decades
St. Philips & Holy Cross are fellow servants with St. Michael's in this face-to-face service
Lots of canned goods for the food bank
2019 – Food Bank – All organized and ready for the doors to open

Meal Ministry for the Community

Meal Ministry is the biggest Outreach Ministry at St. Michael's Multicultural. Combined, the two Meal Ministry Programs feed 5000 individuals each year.

Our Hot Meal Program was started in 2008. But our Food Bank has a longer history and one of our previous Priests (The Rev. Walter Bayley) served sandwiches to needy people in the past for a much longer time. Most of our current core volunteers have been serving for more than 10 years.

Food Bank:

Bags of food/groceries are available by appointment.
Please call the church for your appointment: 604-876-8191

Please note the following:

  • All visitors to the Food Bank must wear a mask and observe physical distancing at all times.
  • To ensure everyone's safety, grocery items cannot be self-selected. Visitors will receieve a pre-packaged bag of groceries, which will be handed to them outside.

The Food Bank program is sponsored by the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society and Terra Bread.

Hot Meals:

The Hot Meal program resumes on the 2nd Friday of the month, from 6-7 pm at the church hall.

Thanksgiving Day Turkey Dinner (Free Dinner):

  • Saturday, October 8, 2022, at St. Michael's Anglican Church Hall
  • Time: 1st Seating - 3 pm / 2nd Seating - 5 pm
  • All are welcome.